
Types of Bluetooth | Lets Learn What Are They

Version 1.1 and earlier

Since Bluetooth technology has been introduced In 1998, there were several clarifications taken out. Versions 1.0 and 1.0B had too many problems and manufacturer issues for device upgrades for Bluetooth. The biggest problem was the lack of communication between devices.

Type of basic specification 1.1 is the first effective version of Bluetooth. Version 1.1 fixed most of the bugs and problems found in earlier versions.

Version 1.2

Many new Bluetooth devices, such as new cell phones for sale Bluetooth Type 1.2. This version gives back compatibility with Bluetooth 1.1, fast transmission speed, signal strength obtained, and controller virtual control (HCI) support for 3 UART phones.

Bluetooth version 2.0

It is true that there may be many connections technology, even though they all share the same feature – the sooner the better. Bluetooth experts saw this, so he worked on improving version speed 1.2. A brand new, version 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) was criticized in 2004 and found out late 2005.

Version 2.0 brings higher data transfer rates three times more than the first version of Bluetooth. Version 2.0 also offers upgrades in communication.

Computers and even computer-related devices are expected to be some of the first devices to perform install Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR, followed by Of course with audio and video devices.

Version 2.0 reverses are compatible with previous versions species, triple, and provide an upgraded data rate of 2.1 MB per second. And provides multicast streaming and support at the rate of more advanced error performance, making it the best Bluetooth it has have you ever seen.

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